19 months old

Gymboree Thank You Card


Today was Ethan's last day at his Gymboree class.  It was a bitter sweet day, we've been going to Gymboree since Ethan was 3 months old, but we decided that it was time to take a break over the summer and try out some different activities.  Of course we have loved our time there and had some fantastic teachers, so we wanted to make them a nice card to say thank you.  I found the idea when searching for teacher's gifts on Pinterest to use the phrase 'thank you for helping me grow' and that gave me idea to make a card with flowers.  I think it's really important for Ethan to learn from a young age how important it is to show his gratitude, all part of his Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

I printed out the words and then Ethan used glue to stick on Gymbo (Gymboree's clown mascot) and the flowers and then decorated with stickers and markers.  We talked about the friends and teachers that he would see at Gymboree today and how much fun we've had there since he was  a little baby.  When we went to class he gave the card to his 2 favourite teachers and said nice goodbyes to them and to his friends.  We're looking forward to our next adventures now :)

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