2 years old

Halloween Reading


As it's only 1 week until Halloween we've pulled out all of our Halloween books to read!  Ethan loves these books as a few of them make sounds and one has flaps to lift.  They're great to prepare him for Halloween and to start conversations about what to expect as part of his Communication, Language and Literacy development.

Our Halloween Books:

The Scary Sounds of Halloween

  • this one has a button to record and play your own scary sounds, Ethan loves to record sounds over and over again!

Who's at the Door?

  • this one has a button to press and flaps to lift!  It's about trick or treating, so could be good to prepare for children for what will happen on Halloween night.

Beware the Haunted House!

  • this one has a button to press and makes sound and has a flashing light to go along with the story

The Best Halloween Hunt Ever

  • this is a finding book, it's actually a bit too grown up for Ethan as the pictures are very busy and it's difficult to find all of the details.  We use it in our own way, Ethan points out and counts the items he does know (like pumpkins and spiders) on each page.

The Biggest Pumpkin Surprise Ever!

  • this is Ethan's new book for this year (a gift from his Nana) it has lots of flaps to lift and pumpkins to find on each page, he loves it!

Books available on Amazon

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