23 months old

Funny Faces Sticker Book


Today Ethan played with his Funny Faces Sticker Book.  Such a simple and lovely book with blank faces and a couple of pages with facial features to stick on.  A great opportunity for children to not only identify facial features but to also place them correctly as part of their Knowledge and Understanding of the World.

We have played with this book once before, and I let Ethan stick the stickers wherever he liked, ending up with some Picasso like faces.  This time when Ethan looked at the book with his Daddy, they chose the stickers one at a time and Ethan carefully decided where to put each one.  They were looking at each others faces and identifying features and learning new ones (Ethan can now point out and say 'eyebrow')  It's a great little book and kept Ethan interested for ages.

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  1. So interesting! I have to try this for my twin boys!!!



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