2 years old

Ethan's Year in Review


Today we're looking back at 2013 and all that Ethan has learned and experienced this year.  It's not easy for such a little guy to look back on a whole year, but we talked about lots of different things that we did to remind him while we filled in our 'Year in Review' sheet.  It's great for his Personal, Social and Emotional Development to look back and all the things he's done and to look forward to the future.

Firstly, Ethan loved being able to use a real pen to draw on the sheet.  His drawings are a bit abstract, but I made the sheet so that we could use it for several years and hopefully next year his drawings will be a bit more recognisable.  We talked about his favourite things and all of the things that we've done this year.  I stuck to the big events like trips places, as mostly what he was remembering were things that we'd recently done.  Looking back at all the things that Ethan has learned this year is hilarious, as there are a lot of milestones between 1 and 2 years old.  He's learned to walk and talk and feed himself and sing songs and give big kisses, the list goes on and on!  It encouraged me to really take a step back and look at how much my little baby has grown up this year, it's truly incredible being able to watch him learn and grow.  I can't wait to see how much he accomplishes in 2014!

If you would like to download a copy of our Year in Review sheet, please click here.

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